Going on an adventure alone or with friends is often an enriching experience for young people. However, parents do not always agree and sometimes find it difficult to accept the idea of letting their child travel alone. It is therefore important to reassure them through good organization.

Involving parents in the organisation

Whether it's a group or solo trip, going on holiday requires a more or less long period of preparation. Since parents generally do not like to be caught off guard, the best solution is to inform them as early as possible about your project, clarify your objectives and gradually convince them by offering them different options (destinations, means of transport, accommodation, etc.) for your trip, as well as various financing solutions. This is the right time to solicit them in both the organizational and financial aspects. In this way, they will feel involved and can more easily overcome their worries.

Demonstrate great maturity

Whether you are a minor or an adult, the surest way to gain parental trust is to show maturity. As soon as the trip is announced, show your ability to be independent and responsible both in your studies and in your daily behaviour. Having good academic results can also weigh in your favour. The most important thing is that they notice your efforts to become responsible. If you are planning to go on a group trip, it is important that your parents know who is involved in this adventure. In addition, you can introduce them to other parents to help convince them.

A reasonable destination and duration

For a first trip, you should not set the bar too high. It is almost impossible for your parents to let you go to Australia or South America. Instead, start with a trip to Europe so that they can see that you are trustworthy. In any case, the most important thing is to step back and learn to live away from the family nest. As for the duration, you must respect the deadlines that you have previously agreed upon with your parents. In order to prevent possible problems with the local authorities, an older brother or sister in the group is always welcome.

Practical advice for a pleasant stay

Parents will tend to give you a lot of advice before you leave. Even if it bothers you or seems annoying, don't take their advice lightly, because the slightest slip and you could spend your next vacation at camp or in your room! It is normal that they ask for travel and repatriation insurance to reassure themselves. In fact, a short message at least every twenty-four hours will not be too much to keep in touch and allow them to experience their child's flight without panicking. Finding the right arguments to convince parents of your ability to go on a trip alone is not enough; it is important to translate them into responsible behaviour and attitudes to really reassure them. Do you have other tips to better convince parents to let you go alone or are you a parent who wants to express yourself? Don't hesitate to leave your comments.